Hello, I am the owner and operator of, Signature Home Inspections, LLC.
My name is Randy Flanery and I truly enjoy visually inspecting the home's systems while focusing on the two main factors of a home inspection; Home Safety and Home Functionality.
The home's 'Safety' involves the inspector taking his/her time to visually inspect the home's environment for any hidden safety concerns which can create a higher risk of personal injury and even death when they are unnoticed and not repaired.
How the home's components and systems 'Function' is the final factor within my home inspection. When your home's systems function in a satisfactory manner it creates peace of mind and saves the homeowner time when components like the bathroom sink, toilet, garage door opener, or the washer/dryer operates efficiently completing the tasks they were manufactorered to accomplish.
If you have not had a Home 'Maintenance' inspection in the last five years, it is time to invest in your home's safety and functionality checkup, so you can be confident with knowing how your home's health stacks up to our findings which are spelled out in your Home Inspection report and summary. We document the 'Minor', 'Major', and all 'Material' defects observed on the day of your inspection.
Give Randy a call for more information at, 719) 641-9538 or visit Signature Home Inspections website at; www.signatureinspecting.com
Remember, "Inspected Once...Inspected Right!"
Sample Report URL: https://b0607390-13ce-4211-ad78-bf99cf1fca52.usrfiles.com/ugd/b06073_2fd55e4c0634485691ac46593afdbc4e.pdf